About Louie
A number of years ago, in a small town near the Arctic Circle, a bouncing baby polar bear was born. But this bear was very different from all the other polar bears in the town. While all the other bears had white fur, this bear’s fur was BLUE!
One day, he heard about a hockey team called the St. Louis Blues! Since the blue bear loved hockey, blues music, and was blue himself, he knew he had to find this team.
When he was old enough, the blue bear traveled all the way to St. Louis to meet the Blues. After meeting the team, he was inspired by their high energy and great teamwork. Even though they had never met a blue bear before, all the Blues’ players and coaches liked him so much that they invited him to be a part of the team… as their mascot! He knew he had finally found where he belonged.
On October 10, 2007, he was introduced to the fans and got to play “When the Blues Go Marching In” on his saxophone. It was the greatest night of his life. Then, on November 3, 2007, the blue bear was named Louie by the fans. He was even given his very own game jersey!
Now, Louie can be seen at all home games and throughout the community, doing what he loves best—meeting fans and supporting the Blues! So, the next time you’re at a Blues game, be sure to say “hello” or give him a high five.