Devils Artist Open Call 2023-24
Hockey Is For Everyone

In collaboration with the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and Newark Arts, the New Jersey Devils are having an open call for local artists to submit their portfolios to be considered for the opportunity to design game elements for one of the five Hockey Is For Everyone games for the 2023-24 season. These games include Hispanic Heritage Night, Pride Night, Black History Celebration, API Night, and Gender Equality.

Send us your work, information, and why you are submitting for the specific game, and if you are selected you will receive

  • $1,000 honorarium
  • Four tickets to the game that you are designing for
  • Artist Spotlight on Devils social media channels and additional media coverage

Entry & Work Details

  • Entry deadline: September 20, 2023
  • Work Sample Requirements:
    • Minimum: 2
    • Maximum: 6
  • Please send existing samples and work. Do not create the actual art for this specific program during the submission process.

  • Must sign Artist Agreement to participate in program.

  • Final art would need to be completed by October 6, 2023.