Qui sont les Ambassadeurs de bienfaisance des Sénateurs d'Ottawa

The Ottawa Senators Goodwill Ambassadors (GWAs) are a community-based volunteer organization, independently operating in support of the Ottawa Senators Hockey Club, and local charities. Established in 1992-93, the first season the Senators returned to the NHL, the GWAs are a group of predominantly retired individuals that love hockey and wish to give back to the community.

The Goodwill Ambassadors serve as greeters and information providers for the fans at all Senators home games and other hockey club events. As needed, they are responsible for the distribution of gameday handouts, such as bobble heads, calendars, hockey cards, and other promotional items.



En plus d'aider les jours de match, les Ambassadeurs de bienfaisance soutiennent des organismes caritatifs locaux avec l’aide du financement reçu de la part des Sénateurs d'Ottawa et des commanditaires du club, et ce, en reconnaissance des services rendus par les GWA.

Grâce à cette initiative, l'organisation des AB a fait don de plus de 375 000 $ à diversescauses caritatives depuis 1992-1993. Certains des bénéficiaires actuels et passés de ces dons incluent notamment l'Institut de cardiologie de l’Université d'Ottawa, la Kanata Food Cupboard, le Maison Roger Neilson de soins palliatifs pour enfants, et l’initiative « Le hockey pour vaincre le cancer » de la Société canadienne du cancer.


GWA candidates are identified by name referral from existing members of the organization or by submission of resumes though other related sources.

The basic requirements include:

  • Availability to work at least 75% of Senators home games.
  • Available for evening games by reporting at 4:30 p.m. or earlier for afternoon games.
  • Retired or a flexible work shift that allows involvement in activities during the normal workday (e.g. placing towels on seats).
  • Willingness to undertake other game day assignments.
  • Physical condition permitting standing for 2.5 hours.
  • Demonstrated interest in the provision of volunteer services.
  • Good communication skills and personal suitability.
  • Bilingualism is an asset, but not required.

Interviews are only scheduled on an as needed basis, as the annual GWA turnover is usually very low.