COLUMBUS, OHIO - The Columbus Blue Jackets and Abbott's
EAS Sports Nutrition
announce a new multi-year partnership that names the EAS Myoplex® brand as the official recovery nutrition partner of the Blue Jackets and unveils a new content series.
EAS is part of the global healthcare company,
and a trusted brand of science-backed sports nutrition products designed to help athletes and fitness enthusiasts achieve their personal performance and fitness goals.
The partnership is showcasing the team's elite athletes along with the latest in recovery nutrition with the launch of a "Train Like the Pros" digital content series that debuts today at
. The first video features a behind-the-scenes look at how the players train and what it takes to keep in optimal condition during a rigorous NHL season with commentary from Nelson Ayotte, director of high performance for the Blue Jackets. The series highlights strength training sessions and features EAS
nutrition products to support recovery needs.
Jackets, Abbott's EAS Sports Nutrition debut Train Like The Pros series
Columbus Blue Jackets and Abott's EAS Sports Nutrition debut "Train Like The Pros" series as part of multi-year partnership