Blue Jackets head coach John Tortorella is known for his intensity in coaching. But there is another part of life which he cares about equally as deeply and that is the welfare of animals, specifically dogs.
"If it isn't hockey, it's dogs," Tortorella said. "And we're really (helping) all animals. Sometimes, I'm not sure what is more important in our family, the hockey or the animals."
Tortorella, along with his wife and children, were inspired by their love of dogs and understanding of the hardship many animals without homes face. They decided to make this hardship part of the mission of the John and Christine Tortorella Foundation. Their goal? To "help those who protect children, animals and our environment from harm."
When it comes to animals specifically that means focusing on helping families connect with dogs that need to be adopted from shelters, supporting families' needs when a pet is ill and ensuring dogs late in life find a home to enjoy their final years.

"(Our family) lives in a bubble," Tortorella said. "We have been taken care of by the National Hockey League and the teams I've coached. So we don't have a problem (caring for our pets financially). (Our Foundation) is able to help facilitate trying to keep animals with their families."
Tortorella sees other stories helping to bring light to the cause he cares so deeply about. This summer, Detroit Pistons' head coach Stan Van Gundy and his family adopted a dog that had genetic issues that would require expensive intervention to keep the pet healthy.
"it happens so much," Tortorella said. "People want to keep their dog. This dog had a medical issue that some people shied away from because it probably would have cost too much money for the dog to become healthy. It breaks my heart, because people aren't always fortunate enough and do not have the finances to take care of that and the love (for their pet) is still there."
So Tortorella continues to spread his message of caring for dogs and other animals that need a family. His new home in Columbus is a former horse farm, and the Tortorella's hope to provide shelter to some horses soon as well.


The head coach's personal mission is now catching on with the hockey fan bases that support him as well.
In September, Nationwide Arena hosted a visit from the Stanley Cup at the World Cup of Hockey exhibition game between Team USA and Team Canada. With Tortorella serving as head coach of Team USA, his foundation was there to collect donations and offer "Cups and Pups" merchandise for sale with proceeds benefitting animal welfare.
Later in the season, Blue Jacket fan, Whitaker Noble pledged 25 percent of one month's revenue from his dog care service, Whit's Loving Dog Care Service, to Tortorella's Foundation.
Overall, the goal for the Jackets' head coach is to be as available as possible as a resource for people who want to help care for animals, and people who need help caring for their furry family members.
"Find us online," Tortorella said. "You'll see a number of programs we're involved in. We want to help, we have parts (of our foundation) that helps facilitate (animal care,) and we're doing that daily to try to help out."