
MONTREAL - When Max Domi isn't training this summer, his focus in addition to honing his French skills will be on stepping up his musician game.

The 24-year-old forward is planning on re-learning the fundamentals of acoustic guitar and acquiring some piano skills in the coming months, too.
"I played the guitar when I was a kid and I always thought it was pretty cool. But, I lost it completely and I want to start from scratch. I've tried to stick with it a couple of times, but this summer it's kind of my thing. I'd like to get back into music," said Domi in early April, shortly after the 2018-19 campaign came to a close. "It's therapeutic. It's relaxing. It's a nice break from our hectic schedule during the year. It's just a cool hobby."

Admittedly, Domi elected to put his guitar training as a youngster on hold because it kept him from spending time with his friends.
"I had to stop because I was giving up my recesses," cracked the four-year NHL veteran. "Recess was just too valuable to me. I regret it big time."
Fast forward all these years later and Domi is eager to right the ship in that department.
"I'm going to find a teacher in Toronto, then I'm also going to get one in Montreal," mentioned the Habs' leading point-getter this past season. "I'm open to anyone who wants to teach a Montreal Canadien how to play the guitar and the piano. I'm committed to learning and I have a list of songs that I want to learn how to play by John Mayer and James Bay. Between that and speaking French, those are my extra-curricular activities that I've got on the go for the next couple of years."
His desire to learn piano was actually influenced by Matthew Peca, whose stellar musical chops were revealed on HabsTV this past December when his Christmas medley went viral.

Matthew Peca plays Christmas songs on the piano

"One day, I woke up and I was super tired and I heard Pecs playing the piano. I was like, 'Wow, I'm in a good mood now. I want to learn how to do that,'" explained Domi. "I went and got a keyboard. I've just been playing around with some things here and there, and hopefully I'll be pretty good by the end of the summer. I'm going to be good. Give me some time."
Domi's love of music is well-documented. He even attended Coachella a few weeks ago in Southern California with Tomas Tatar and Nate Thompson.
These latest goals are simply about taking one of his passions to another level and further expanding his horizons.
"I think music is one of the more artsier things that I have in my life. Performing is something I have a lot of respect for," said Domi. "I'm just trying to be well-versed. I'm also a guy who likes to do as much as I can with my life. I've got an outlook that you want to accomplish as much as you can and cross as many things off the bucket list as you can. I'm just trying to keep that going."