
MONTREAL - For years, we've been heading to the Habs' dressing room to unearth information about the guys by talking to their teammates.

Always willing to dish a little dirt on one another, the players have been more obliging in our quest to get a sneak peak at their off-ice personalities. Then we realized: who knows the players better than their better halves? We checked in with Jordie Benn's girlfriend, Jessica Kohout, to get the scoop on what the 30-year-old defenseman is really like.
How long have you and Jordie been together?
JESSICA KOHOUT: We met about seven or eight years ago, and I think we started dating about six months after that.
How did you two first meet?
JK: I just got back from college and I was working in a sushi restaurant that was right next to the W Hotel. His brother, Jamie, was playing for the Stars and Jordie was playing for the team based in Austin. He would get called up or come visit his brother, who lived at the W, so they would always come and eat at the restaurant. They just walked in one day and he asked his brother who I was, and that's how we met.

Do you remember what you guys did on your first date?
JK: It was kind of weird, because Jordie and I were friends before we started dating. We went on a double date once, but I'm not going to count that. I guess our first real date was at a restaurant. We went to Eddie V's. It's like a seafood, steakhouse type of place in downtown Dallas. It's really nice. He called his mom on the date, so we talked to her for like 20 minutes. (Laughs) But, it was a good date.
Even though you were friends before going out, was Jordie nervous on that date?
JK:Not so much on the date. When we first started getting to know each other as friends, he was always the quiet one. I knew his brother before, so when he would come into the restaurant with Jamie, he was always the quiet one and you could never really get a word out of him. He would just sit there, so I would mostly just talk to Jamie. Then, one day he finally got a bit of liquid courage and it took over.
What was your favorite thing about Jordie when you two first met?
JK:Before he actually ever got a word in, it was probably just how quiet he was. It was the mystery. Why was this guy so quiet? Jamie was so outgoing. What is this guy all about? I didn't know anything about him. But, he's got a great sense of humor. He's so sweet. I guess it would probably be that, his personality. After six months of dating, I was like - "You should grow out your hair. It would be really awesome. You should grow that beard out. It would great." And, he did. Of course now, that's my attraction, that beard. I'm back on convincing him to grow out that man bun. Now, I guess it would be his manly features.
So, are you the person responsible for his beard?
JK: Absolutely! If he ever tells you otherwise, he's wrong. I will definitely take all of the responsibility for the beard. From the beginning, I'm the one who told him - "You have such a strong jaw. You should grow out this big beard. Let's just see where it goes." That beard is like his staple now, so when he lost that Super Bowl bet with Tyler Seguin and had to shave it off, it was probably the worst day of both of our lives.

I guess asking you if the beard took some getting used to is out of the question since you asked him to do it?
JK:I love it. I just love a good, thoroughly manly man. That's exactly what Jordie is. He's always very outdoorsy and kind of a handyman. He's a lot like his dad. I just thought it would fit well. It took him a while to get used to it, for sure. But, once he grew it out, he just loved it.
How is Jordie at remembering big dates: anniversaries, birthdays, etc.?
JK: We've both kind of come to a mutual agreement where anniversaries don't really kick in until there's a marriage date involved, so we don't celebrate stuff like that. I love birthdays, so I'm always really big about his. Mine, I would say he's typically on the road, so it gives him a little extra free time to plan something. Valentine's Day, though, the worst. (Laughs)
Even tough players have a soft side. He must be a little romantic, no?
JK:He's a sweetheart. Everybody loves him, and how friendly and nice he is. Romantic, maybe not, but very sweet and kind to me. A lot of people will say that about his on-ice stuff, too. He'll tell you after games, I'm like - "Why didn't you hit that guy?" I'm always trying to toughen him up a little bit, but he's a pretty sweet guy off the ice.
How are Jordie's skills in the kitchen?
JK: He's the grill master and I do the rest. (Laughs) He makes a mean Caesar salad, though. It's like a family recipe. It's so good, better than any restaurant Caesar salad I've ever had.
As dog parents right now, how do you think that will translate to parenthood down the road?
JK: I think that he's definitely the spoiler. If we're lucky enough to have kids one day, I think he'll definitely be the one slipping the cookies under the table and I'll be the law. I think I'm the more goofy, silly one. In terms of discipline, I like my things a certain way. He's a bit of a rule-breaker. He definitely spoils the dogs. They always run to him before they run to me. I'm chopped liver in our house. That's the reason I have a sore back, because I constantly have to go to the couch to sleep. The dogs always snuggle up next to him.
We know that Jordie considers Texas home now. How good is he at line dancing or the Texas Two-Step?
JK:Terrible. (Laughs) I try and teach him all the time. It's just not his thing. I think there's hope for him, though. He secretly likes to dance. If I can maybe get him to let loose a little bit, maybe it'll happen. He calls me "Paparazzi" because I'm always trying to catch him dancing on camera. If I leave the phone in my purse, he'll bust out the moves.
How does Jordie rock a cowboy hat?
JK:I don't remember where the guys were, but when they went hat shopping and they all bought hats, ever since then he's loved it. I think he looks pretty damn good in a cowboy hat.
Is Jordie more "cowboy cool" or "Montreal chic"?
JK:I would still say "cowboy cool" for sure.
Skinny jeans are pretty big in Montreal. Does he ever rock a pair?
JK: Oh my gosh, no! (Laughs) I tried to buy him some skinny jeans for Christmas and it didn't work out so well. The furthest he'll go is a boot cut. That's the skinniest. It's so hard with him because their thighs are so massive. It's just so hard to get a nice, tailored-cut skinny pant for them.
You're a native Texan. Do you consider Jordie to be a true Texan now, too?
JK: He's about as close as it gets, I would say. I haven't heard him spit out the word "y'all" yet, but as soon as he can pick up that, I think that will seal the deal.
Lastly, do you love Jordie's Chevy Bel-Air as much as he does?
JK:I love "Sweaty Betty". I love her. I love ripping her around Dallas a lot.