
MONTREAL - If you aren't following Nicolas Deslauriers on Twitter (

Back on May 17, the 27-year-old forward took to the social media platform to reveal that his wife, Joanie, was expecting the couple's third child.
The gender of the baby, however, is still unknown, even to the Deslauriers' themselves.

That will all change on Saturday when Nicolas and Joanie host a gender reveal party at their home, where family members and friends aplenty will be in attendance to learn the news first-hand.
Then, he plans on sharing the news with the rest of the Twittersphere shortly thereafter.
"We'll probably post a couple of pictures," said Deslauriers, already a proud papa to four-year-old daughter Madison Rose and son Jaxon, who will turn two in June. "I might be too excited to wait until Sunday to send the Tweet. Everybody's going to know exactly what we're expecting. It's fun to share with a lot of people. I don't know how people can wait until the baby's born to find out. They're strong, but I don't think I can do that."

Deslauriers - Family

As for the gender reveal itself, the couple plans on keeping things rather simple.
"We went to see a girl that did cakes for Madison and Jaxon last summer and just gave her the envelope. We didn't open it. She's going to fill up a balloon with blue or pink [confetti] and then we're just going to pop it," explained Deslauriers, who is eagerly anticipating the gathering. "It's kind of nerve-racking right now to know that somebody knows what we're going to have and we don't. But, it's going to be fun to see the reaction, especially on my wife's face."
While the newest member of the Deslauriers clan is only due in late November or early December, preparations are already well-underway for his or her arrival.
"We're the kind of family that does things really quickly. We're already doing another nursery room," shared Deslauriers. "I think we're pretty good clothes-wise, though, because we already have a boy and a girl. We kind of have the best of both worlds."

They sure do, and it won't be long now before they find out exactly which clothes will come in handy this winter.
"This is something really special we're doing with our third child. I don't know what my reaction's going to be, but it's going to be really happy," concluded Deslauriers. "I'm excited to see if it's a baby girl or baby boy."