Brendan Gallagher

I'll admit that speaking out at a time like this makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to offend anyone and I don't want to make anyone upset. But it's important that all of us reflect and speak out about injustices and racism when we see them.

I realize my experiences aren't reflective of everyone's. When I, as a white person, see a police officer, I feel safe and protected. I realize I'm privileged and that many people whose skin colour is different than mine have had, and continue to have, very different experiences. Police officers aren't the enemy; bad police officers and the officers and the systems that allow them to continue to wear a badge despite their racist behaviour are. The police officer who murdered George Floyd is a bad person. He had at least 17 complaints filed against him before he ever met George Floyd. Officers like him need to be held accountable by their peers, by their departments, and by the systems that allow them to remain on the force, because they give a bad name to the honest, hard-working heroes who are truly there to serve and protect. Everyone, regardless of skin colour, should be able to look to a police officer and know he or she is there to help. That requires accountability.
The same is true for the looters who are taking advantage of protests to benefit themselves. There are passionate protesters out on the streets with an important message to send, and their message isn't being heard because looting and violence are stealing the headlines. Looters need to be held accountable.
There's a large group of people begging to be heard. We need to listen.
To do this we all need to work together. This shouldn't be protestors against police, it should be good against evil. I've seen a lot of images of protestors and police officers standing in solidarity over the last week and it's been very powerful to watch. We need more of that! That message of togetherness is what will create the change we all want to see.
When positivity overwhelms negativity, good will overwhelm evil in the world.
As a hockey player, we see things as very clear cut… if you're better for the job, you get the job. You're judged on whether or not you can help the team win and your ice time has nothing to do with the colour of your skin or where you're from. We're a bit naïve because we don't see some of these things and guys don't really talk about it. But watching these protests makes it clear that the reality is different for a lot of people. I know I'll never understand how it feels to be treated differently because of my skin colour.
What I want is for everyone to be able to feel the same hope and optimism I feel every day. I want to live in a society where qualification and merit will be the only things that determine someone's success and opportunity. How do we get there? I do not have that answer… but I believe it's possible if we value people's strengths as human beings. Racism and discrimination has no place in our society. We all need to be better.
... ✊🏿✊🏻❤️
!Brendan Gallagher