Matheson on Nick Suzuki and his consistency as a player and person:
I think he’s a very consistent person. You get the same Nick Suzuki after a win like yesterday's or after a loss. I think that helps young players but also other guys when emotions get high and he's still very consistent in the way he plays but also in how he is as a person.
Laine on playing meaningful games at this time of year:
Well, I mean that’s why we’re all here, at least speaking for myself. You know, it’s been a long break personally, from the playoffs. Obviously, I’ve been to the Conference Finals and stuff which feels like forever ago, but yeah, it’s pretty awesome to be playing meaningful games at this time of year. That’s what everybody wants. [...] I feel like we’ve been playing meaningful games for the last month and a half. I think we’ve shown a lot of people that we can compete and push for those Wild Card spots and now we’re in a good spot, and now it’s just up to us to win a lot of games. [...]