fucale reassign

ARLINGTON, Va. - The Washington Capitals assigned goaltender Zach Fucale to the Hershey Bears of the American Hockey League (AHL), senior vice president and general manager Brian MacLellan announced today.

Fucale, 26, became the first goaltender in franchise history to record a shutout in his debut, stopping all 21 shots he faced against the Detroit Red Wings on Thursday.
Fucale is 3-0-2 with Hershey this season with a 1.73 goals-against average and a .933 save percentage. The 6'2", 189-pound goaltender is tied for second in the AHL in goals-against average among goaltenders with at least five games played.
During the 2020-21 season, the Laval, Quebec, native led the AHL in goals-against average (1.80) and ranked second in save percentage (.932), establishing career highs in both categories. Fucale played 11 games with Hershey, the most games he has played at the AHL level since the 2017-18 season, posting a 9-2-0-1 record. Fucale's nine wins were tied for eighth in the AHL, while his two losses were the fewest among goaltenders with at least 660 minutes played. Fucale and Pheonix Copley received the AHL's Harry "Hap" Holmes Memorial Award, presented to the goaltenders on the team which allows the fewest goals per game in the regular season.