ovi gr8 wall

The final day of #Gr8inChina did not disappoint.

We departed the hotel in Beijing for the hour and a half drive up to the Great Wall. We went to the section of the wall that is the most renovated and most accesible for tourists.
Once you get to the Wall you have to take a shuttle bus to get closer to the entrance. From there you can choose one of two ways to ascend: walk or take a chair lift.
We decided on taking the latter to conserve energy because it was a very hot day.

Ovi rode on the two-person chair lift with his trainer whom he brought on the trip. He documented some of the ride up on his personal Instagram stories.
Once we got to the top the view was already incredible. You walk 5 steps and can see miles and miles of wall and jungle right in front of you.

Photos and videos were taken and social media posts were posted. It was really unlike anything you've ever experienced before.
After taking in the views, the decision was made for everyone to take a toboggan down. Ovi took a gopro down for the ride (footage to come later) and had the time of his life. His smile said it all.

ovi toboggan

Once at the bottom of the wall, we stopped by one of the little shops that lines the walk to and from the entrance and got a stone carved with Ovi's name in Chinese characters for a stamp.
All in the all the trip was an incredible success. Ovi got to meet kids and spread the game of hockey as well as see the biggest sights Beijing has to offer.