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Things are heating up in the desert, and it's not just the 115 degree temperatures outside.
The Arizona Coyotes officially kicked off their rookie development camp at the Ice Den in Scottsdale on Monday, and the club's top three picks from the NHL Draft met with the media bright and early before taking the ice. Logan Cooley (3rd overall), Conor Geekie (11th overall), and Maveric Lamoureux (29th overall) have had each other to lean on while acclimating to their new lives - not to mention the scorching Arizona heat - something that's a bit out of the norm for a typical first-round pick.

There's nothing typical about this crop of prospects, though, and Coyotes general manager Bill Armstrong knows all three can have a major impact on the team's long-term goals.
"There's obviously physical ability that each of these young men have, but they also can think the game," he said. "If you want to win a championship, I've always felt when the pressure's on you need to make the right play, and you need hockey sense to do that."
Though Lamoureux won't be physically participating in camp while still recovering from an injury, the team's trio of first rounders have been on the journey together. Cooley said going through so many new experiences with others who are living their dream at the same time helps them all stay grounded, all while taking it all in.
"It's been nice to have a shoulder to lean on," he said. "Having two other guys go through this process with you, and both be pretty high picks too, is pretty special, and I'm really happy to have them alongside me."

Logan Cooley ice

Though Cooley hadn't interacted too much with Geekie or Lamoureux prior to this year's draft, the latter two do have some familiarity with each other. Both Geekie and Lamoureux not only played against each other previously, but also attended some of the same camps.
Geekie, for his part, expressed relief that in the future he'd be playing on the same side as Lamoureux, as opposed to against him.
"Mav, I've played against him, let's just say he's been a pain in my butt a little bit," he joked. "It's always fun. You meet new people, you get along with everyone, and I guess you could say, they're shoulders to lean on."
Lamoureux is still living out his dream, even if he doesn't have a chance to lace up his skates during camp. He's been taking it all in as much as he can, and said he's still going to absorb everything he sees like a sponge.
Just like Cooley and Geekie, Lamoureux said having new friends already around to help him acclimate has been something he's already grateful for.
"They're definitely some great players, and some good people, so I'm just trying to make new relationships and new friends, too," he said. "That's what I think is nice too: we have something in common."
Those aren't the only new relationships that have been carved out on the team. Geekie mentioned that he has been rooming with Ben McCartney, who has two games of NHL experience to his name. Having been through rookie camps before, McCartney has been able to provide some insight to Geekie, in what he can expect and how to go about his business.

Conor Geekie

Both Geekie and McCartney hail from Manitoba, so the common ground helped right out of the gate.
"He's gone through it, he knows what it takes" Geekie said. "He's one of the hardest workers I've known and played against. So, Bill (Armstrong) always says, you've got tons of resources here, it's a very special place, and I'm looking to use them all."
None of the club's first three picks are expected to appear in the NHL this season, but as they get their first taste of what it takes to compete at such a high level, each agreed it's nice to not have to go at it alone.
Regardless of the heat outside, Arizona's newest prospects seem cool as can be, no doubt aided by each other's company as they begin to live out their dreams in real time.
"Something I've been looking forward to since coming to Arizona is to skate with all the prospects, and the people who've been invited to this camp, and getting to know everyone," Cooley said. "I'm really looking forward to getting out there."

Cooley, Geekie & Lamoureux land in AZ

Smiles Presser