Hauser Quarters

In a stunning upset at the World Junior Championship, Czechia defeated the U.S.A. in quarterfinal play.
The win by Czechia ends the U.S.'s attempt at winning back-to-back gold medals and leaves the United States without a medal at the tournament for the first time in five years.
Devils propsect Luke Hughes' tournament has come to a close, while Petr Hauser moves on with Czechia to play Canda in semi-final play.
Hauser played a big role in the win on Wednesday night when his first goal of the tournament gave Czechia a 2-1 lead over the U.S. at the 7:34 mark of the second. The goal could not have come at a better time for Czechia, as Hauser's rocket of a shot hit the crossbar and went into the net to give Czechia a 2-1 lead over the Americans.