salminen dev camp 2024

Devils forward prospect Samu Salminen completed his sophomore season of collegiate hockey in 2023-24 with the University of Connecticut. The Helsinki, Finnish native posted seven goals and 17 points in 35 games for the Huskies. Taking the college route is an unusual path for European players. Salminen chose it to better and more quickly adapt to the smaller surfaces in North American play. The Jokerit product spoke about his game at the Devils recent Development Camp in early July.

On how the college game has helped in his development…

For the European player, when you come to North America, the rink is different. The hockey is different. It forces you to make changes in your game. The last two years taught me well, some different things and some areas, how to get to the pro level and the main things that I probably missed before after playing two years in Europe. I think it’s good for my development. I recommend it for a lot of young guys from Europe. It gives you a different perspective.

Salminen discusses development camp, his growth

On the differences between North American and European hockey…

The game is way faster. The rink is smaller, we play a lot more next to the boards. You don’t have as much time. You need to use your empty space way better. The defensive play happens everywhere. It’s not just in the D zone. It’s the forecheck, backchecking, it’s everything. It happens a lot more often.

On what he’s working on for next season…

Going to a new place with a great culture and lot of great players. Get myself where (I have) versatility to play every kind of role and help the team, not only offense but defense. Kill penalties and stuff like that. Get myself to be ready to constantly to work hard and be relentless minded.

On the 2024 Development Camp…

It’s unbelievable. There is an unbelievable balance between hard and work having fun here. A lot of talented players that work hard and everybody wants to achieve their dream. I think it’s an awesome week.

On goals for next season…

Settle down for a good culture and good organization where I can help the team win every single night. Get myself better as a person, as a hockey player.