
On Nov. 9, 2018, Jonas Siegenthaler made his National Hockey League debut as a member of the Washington Capitals. This moment is a special one for any hockey player; however, this debut will also go down in history. Siegenthaler, who is Swiss and Thai, became the first player of Thai descent to play in the NHL. Although he didn’t know he made history at the time of his debut, years later it’s still an incredibly special moment for the Devils defenseman.

“Playing your first NHL game was an unbelievable feeling,” Siegenthaler shared on making his debut. “I didn’t know at that time I was the first Thai NHL player. It was pretty special that I was the first one.”

Siegenthaler on growing up as a Thai hockey player

Siegenthaler’s mom, Nutchara, was born and raised in Thailand before moving to Switzerland for her studies, where she met Daniel, Siegenthaler’s dad. Jonas was born and raised in Switzerland but grew up with Thai influences in his daily life.

“My mom always cooked, she made some Thai dishes,” Siegenthaler explained. “I speak the language a little bit, but I understand a lot because she still talks in Thai with me.”

The Siegenthalers frequently went to Thailand to visit family and now Jonas’ parents have made the move permanently.

“We always had that summer break, big holidays, and we always went there for 3-4 weeks a year,” Siegenthaler said. “I try to go there maybe once a year now that my parents have moved down there full time. Delicious food, and the beach, it’s hard to beat.”

As a member of the Devils, Siegenthaler has become a role model for the community here in New Jersey. But his influence stretches further to the next generation of Thai players, showing that they too can play hockey. 

“I think just to open the door for kids,” Siegenthaler reflected. “If you think about Asia or Thailand and hockey it doesn’t really match. I think hockey is such a cool sport and if the kids look up to someone, a little kid wants to be like you, I think we’re here to open the door for them and show them hey look it’s possible and we’re here as well and we’ve made it.”