
You may have noticed a new slogan on the shirts of Devils players as they made their way to the media podium today.
The shirt read: "eNJoy the Ride", a new motto for the opening of training camp.
New head coach Lindy Ruff was asked about the slogan, where he gave accolades to the players themselves who came up with the idea on a Zoom call.
"It is something that was a collaborative effort between the players," Ruff shared, "it wasn't me that came up with it. It was actually one of the players. I like to have a theme for camp, I've always had that with our teams"
In the end, the group settled on the new slogan, that incorporates the NJ in 'New Jersey'.
Ruff was asked, what is the meaning behind it, what does it mean to this group.
"I like it, it's the fact that this isn't a normal year," he said, "And we're looking at a schedule where you can't spend too much time on what just happened, but what's going to happen next. So if we lose a game we got to move on, be ready for the next game. And we really have to enjoy where we're at. Whether that's a practice day, whether it's the game the next night, let's enjoy it and move on."