
Ryan Kesler underwent successful right hip resurfacing surgery on Thursday, May 9 in New York. The surgery was performed by Dr. Edwin Su. Hip resurfacing is a bone-preserving hip replacement that can provide pain relief and increase function in normal activities of daily living. The surgery does leave open the possibility that Kesler could resume his NHL career following a lengthy recovery.

"As we all know, Ryan has been fiercely battling his condition for quite some time," said Executive Vice President/General Manager Bob Murray. "I've been extremely impressed by his determination to play despite being significantly injured. At this point, Ryan needs to think about his life and family. The pain he felt was significant and we agree with his decision to have this surgery. While it's unlikely he will play in 2019-20, we will support any decision he makes about his future playing career. He deserves the utmost respect, which he will receive from the entire Ducks organization as he contemplates his future."
"At this point in my career, this surgery was the best option for my quality of life," said Kesler. "The pain I was suffering has been greatly reduced since the procedure, and I'm grateful for that. While my playing future is unknown, I'm in a good place. I want to thank all the doctors and trainers as part of 'Team Kesler,' my teammates, my agent Kurt Overhardt, the Ducks organization, the fans, and most importantly, my family, for their support. I'm extremely appreciative of everyone that has helped me through the process. I look forward to spending more time with my family and doing everyday activities without pain."