For centuries service men and women have answered the call of duty in national defense. Nothing so solemnly affirms one’s commitment to that duty better than the enlistment oath of office.

With the help of Energy Transfer, the Washington Capitals are proud to host reenlistment ceremonies at select home games throughout the season.

Raising one’s right hand, swearing/affirming personal devotion to defending the Constitution of the United States, pledging faith and allegiance to that same document, taking on this incredible burden by sacrificing one’s livelihood and potentially one’s life freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and promising to perform one’s duties to the best of one’s abilities with one’s moral conscience as a guide, means much more than just signing a job employment application.

During a reenlistment ceremony, the reenlisting service member makes a personal commitment in a public forum to wear the cloth of the nation with honor, courage, and commitment.

If you are a service member looking to reenlist and are interested in opportunities to do so at a Capitals game, fill out the form below.