Brooklyn Sizemore

When Brooklyn Sizemore first became a New York Islanders fan, she was waiting for a life-saving heart transplant. Two years later, she's healed, smiling and was thrilled for her first NHL game at UBS Arena on Friday Night.
"It feels so special," Sizemore said. "I'm so excited to be here. It means so much to me that they would want me here to watch the game."
Through the assistance of the Make-A-Wish Program, and the generosity of the Islanders organization, Sizemore was welcomed in to UBS Arena for an unforgettable experience to celebrate her recovery after a heart transplant.

Carrying Sizemore through her hardest times were her parents and her love of hockey, but she attributes her passion for the Islanders to her best friend, Kate, who is a die-hard Isles fan. The pair has been best friends since middle school, but it took a PowerPoint presentation from Kate ahead of the 2019-20 season to convince Sizemore to join Isles Nation in a creative way.
"I was really interested in learning more about them so I could at least have some background information," Sizemore said with a laugh. "I've been watching them ever since."
Whether the girls are watching the game together or apart, they always find a way to communicate their excitement in big moments, sharing the passion for the Islanders together.
"We'll always text each other while watching the game," Sizemore said of her bond with Kate. "If there's a really big goal, or any major Islanders news, we'd get really excited about it."
Sizemore is a native of Carlisle, Pennsylvania and her hockey passion began when she was little, growing up attending Hershey Bears games. Now, she gets excited when the Bridgeport Islanders come to town.
Naturally, stepping foot in an NHL arena for the first time is a surreal experience.
"I'm used to a smaller [arenas] for AHL games, but this place is huge," Sizemore said of her first impression of the Islanders' home at UBS Arena. "It's so fun to be here."
Prior to puck drop on Friday, Brooklyn and the Sizemore family were presented with two custom jerseys with her last name on the back.

"It makes me feel really special," Sizemore said of her new threads. "It's probably the jersey I'm going to wear forever now. I have other jerseys at home, but this is my favorite one.
It's been a long road for the 17-year-old, who received open heart surgery in Feb. 2021. Through it all, Sizemore never gave up or lost hope. She cheered on the Islanders while in recovery, finding strength and comfort watching her favorite sport. The 17-year-old fighter carried her passion for the team to the other side.
"The Islanders have been there for me throughout the entire process of it," Sizemore said of her journey. "And it was a good way to de-stress... to watch a sport I really love."
Receiving a major surgery during a pandemic has its extra challenges for the immunocompromised. Sizemore overcame the challenges of recovering with pandemic restrictions in Philadelphia along with her amplified health risks.
"Everything was on lockdown," Sizemore recalled. "And plus being immunocompromised, it was a little bit harder to get around. I was really stuck at home after I got released from the hospital."
The Make-A-Wish Foundation faced obstacles as a whole during COVID-19, but the organization is finally able to make up for lost time. Sizemore special night at an Islanders game was originally set for a date ahead of her surgery, but was unable to be executed at that time because of pandemic restrictions.
"It's amazing to start granting wishes in-person again," said Hugo Hernandez, Manager of the Wish Assist Program at Make-A-Wish Metro New York. "It was a challenge, but overcoming every obstacle is pretty much what we do day-in and day-out. Brooklyn's wish came true."
Her resilience and positivity shined on Friday night, as Sizemore wore her custom jersey and explored UBS Arena with a huge smile on her face. The Islanders treated Brooklyn, her family and best friend to a shopping spree at Isles Lab prior to the game and honored the 17-year-old warrior as the Flag Captain.

To top off the evening, Sizemore was able to meet her favorite Islanders in Josh Bailey, Brock Nelson and Ross Johnston. Prior to her special introduction, she didn't know what to expect.
"I've never met a hockey player in person before," Sizemore gushed. "Brock Nelson is an amazing player on the ice, and I've watched his interviews and he seems like a really nice person. And Ross Johnston, he's just really cool."
The culmination of Brooklyn's wish coming true on Friday night was a remarkable experience for her family, best friend and the Isles world - who were all pulling for her in every step of her journey.
"It's amazing to have partners like the Islanders, to gather and get creative, even two years later," Hernandez said. "It's amazing for everyone involved. Brooklyn is a special kid and so is her family. With what they've gone through and everything they've done to make it here, tonight is special."