Bo Horvat Alternate Captain

Since Bo Horvat joined the New York Islanders in the middle of the 2022-23 season, he’s set an example and a standard for the room, even without wearing a letter. Now, entering his second full year with the team, he was named an alternate captain, officially establishing him as one of the team leaders.

"It's pretty special,” Horvat said. “I obviously take that to heart, with a lot of pride, and don't take it lightly. I try to represent myself and the team as best as possible night in, night out."

Horvat made a huge impact in the Islanders locker room in a short period of time. He arrived on Long Island in January of 2023, bringing a brand of quiet leadership that was well-received by the group immediately.

“He’s just been himself, that's been the biggest thing. He came in and he fit right into this room and became a leader right away,” Casey Cizikas said. “The guys listen to what he has to say because there's a reason why he was named captain in Vancouver. You see the way he works, the effort he puts in and day out. You're inspired to be better every single day. Him earning that A is a huge accomplishment for him and something that all of us are extremely proud of.”

Horvat has a track record of strong leadership. He wore the A for Vancouver in the 2018-19 campaign before serving as captain for the next four seasons. The London, ON native was also a leader in his junior days, serving as an alternate captain in 2013-14 before turning pro. He has always taken a quiet approach to leadership, pushing himself to not only improve but to also leave a motivating impression on his teammates.

UTA@NYI: Horvat scores goal against Connor Ingram

"For me [it means] to lead by example, whether it's on the ice or off the ice,” Horvat said. “Come to the rink and work every single day, and set the example that way. [I’m] not going to be the loudest guy in the room, but lead by example, and work ethic is what I'm trying to do."

Horvat’s leadership style is greatly appreciated by Head Coach Patrick Roy.

“Sometimes you don't have to talk, you show by example how you work on the ice, the intensity, the details that you put out there,” Roy said. “That’s what Bo is for us, a person that might not talk all the time in the dressing room, but certainly shows it by example on the ice, how he's going to play the game, how he's going to come [into] practices or in any situation.”

Now joining a leadership group with Captain Anders Lee and Alternate Captain Brock Nelson, Roy believes Horvat fits in well based on his prior experience and the way he carries himself as an Islander.

“The fact that he was a captain in Vancouver, certainly prepared very well for this, and he’ll be able to count on Lee and Nelson, that’s going to help him even more,” Roy added.

The Islanders are known for their rich core of veterans, pioneered by the captains group. Brock Nelson has worn an A since the 2020-21 season and is entering his fifth season as an alternate. Captain Anders Lee has captained the Islanders since 2018-19, and as he enters his seventh year wearing the C, he’s proud to serve alongside leaders have a complimentary style and push a core message.

Practice 10/11: Horvat

"We all have different modes of little things and here and there, but I think biggest thing for us is we can bounce things off one another, whether we agree or disagree, and I think we push each other indirectly to be as best as we can be,” Lee said. “I'm very proud to be working with two guys here that take a lot of pride in what they do.”

Horvat’s teammates, who played with him for a year and a half and know what he brings on and off the ice, are thrilled for him.

“He works hard day in and day out and I'm lucky to play with him,” Mathew Barzal said. “Definitely a guy that we lean on as a team. He always seems to be involved in key moments, whether it's like a big goal at the end of the game or just making a play. He leads in a bunch of ways.”

Roy values the leadership of his team and knows they will steer the ship during the highs and lows of the season.

“The leaders of this team are going to be very important. A lot of teams that have success, they count on great leaders, and we have that,” Roy said. “The leadership of our team is going to be extremely important during the year, I certainly count on them to calm the guys on tough nights and on great nights, and make sure that we stay in the moment and focusing on what is in front of us.”

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