TOM - April

Christine Kearns teaches 6th grade science at Carrie Palmer Weber Middle School in Port Washington, New York. Read more about her favorite part of the Future Goals program!

How long have you been teaching?
I teach 6th grade science and I've been teaching for 25 years!
Why did you decide to become a teacher and what is your favorite part of teaching?
It was a change of careers when I realized I wanted to work with children!
My most memorable moments are when former students come to visit and like to bring up projects and grades and things we did when they were in my class.
EverFi Future Goals Program
Sign Your School Up
March 2021: Kenneth DiDonna
Feb. 2021: Brian Cyriac
Jan. 2021: Kenya Bowman
Community Stars of the Week
What is your favorite part of Future Goals & how are you using it in your classroom?
My favorite part is showing the kids that what they are learning applies to real life situations, in this case in hockey!
What was your student's reaction to your course?
The students love it! They think it is so much fun, and I find the students understand the concepts better after using the Future Goals program.
Who is your favorite NHL® player and why?
My favorite player is Matt Martin! He is always consistent and a such a great example of a team player.
I f you played hockey, would you rather be the goalie or a goal scorer? Why?
I played hockey, I would much rather be a scorer because I don't want to get hit with pucks!
How else are you involved in your local community?
You can find me participating, leading and volunteering for our school & church fundraisers, and I help out at all of the sports functions
Footer: The New York Islanders and EverFi are teaming up to highlight local teachers. Learn more about the EverFi Future Goals program.
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