
Therese Brinken is a Physical Education and APE (Adaptive Physical Education)teacher in Queens. Read more about how the Future Goals Hockey Scholar program relates to her lessons.
Why did you decide to become a teacher and what do you love most about teaching?
Teaching Physical Education is such a rewarding profession. I have fond memories of my father coming home from work with stories about his students. Every day was something new and I could see the joy and excitement on his face as he shared stories from work. I wanted to have a career where I could feel the same way.

EverFi Future Goals Program
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Oct. 2022: Maria Trucios
As a child, I volunteered to help out younger students at school and on sport teams. There was a feeling of joy I felt when I was able to make someone feel successful. That is when I knew that I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps and become a teacher. I love to inspire students to learn and grow. For me, the best part of being a teacher is learning from and being inspired by my students.
How else are you involved in your local community?
I am an active member of the boy scout community. My son has always been involved in community service as a boy scout and it is something I enjoy helping out with. During the holiday season, I work with an organization to sponsor families in need. We provide them with winter gear for the cold weather, clothes, shoes and gifts to put under their tree on Christmas morning. I get so much joy helping others and feel fortunate that I am able to do so. I also run a Red Nose Day Event to help end child poverty and The Pink Walk to help fight breast cancer at my school.
Who is your favorite NHL® player and why?
My favorite NHL player is Matt Martin because he is a team player, and he is a player that gives back to the community to charities like ACDS school for children with Autism and Down Syndrome and The Children's Foundation.