Community Hero Program
How does someone become eligible for consideration?
Each nomination must meet the following minimum criteria:
Nominator must be at least 13 years old.
All nominations must be submitted online at
A nominator may only nominate one Hero throughout the season. If a nominator submits multiple nominations, only the first submission will be considered.
Nominator must provide the contact information, including email address and telephone number for the nominated Hero.
Nominator must live in Manitoba.
Nominator will be required to complete a publicity release, should their Hero be selected as a Winnipeg Jets Community Hero.
What factors will be considered in the selection process?
The following is a non-exclusive list of factors to be considered in selecting the Winnipeg Jets Community Heroes:
The degree to which the Hero has been a catalyst for a cause that meets basic human needs or enriches the lives of others.
The degree to which the Hero has exhibited dedication and selflessness.
The degree to which the Hero has made a special and significant impact on individuals, families, or the community-at-large.
The degree to which the Hero has gone “above and beyond” to serve and inspire others.
The degree to which the Nominator is able to convey the overall significance and impact of the Hero’s work
Are there any Tips & Tricks for the nomination?
Below are a few suggestions to help get you started write a Hero nomination and what our committee members are looking for when they make their selections:
There is no one definition of what makes a Hero, but most tend to be unsung Heroes who are quietly doing amazing work for the improvement of our community.
Please describe your Hero in a compelling manner that we can in turn tell to our fans at a game. Make sure to give details about how your Hero has dedicated their time to helping others. Inspire us so we can inspire our fans!
Please include as many facts and supportive data as possible, including how many people your Hero has impacted or how many hours of service they have committed.
Please emphasize the attributes or details that you believe help distinguish your Hero from other Heroes who are being nominated. Focus on what makes them different and special.
If your Hero has done a significant body of volunteer community work over a long period of time as opposed to a smaller duration of time, please include that.
Does your Hero have a clear passion to pay it back? Please include details about why they are so committed to giving back. We want to understand what makes your Hero the amazing person that you believe they are