Welcome to the Winnipeg Jets Share Partner Family!

We’re thrilled to welcome you as an official Share Partner for the Winnipeg Jets! By being part of this exclusive community, you now have access to some incredible perks and benefits that make game days even more special.

Here’s what you can look forward to:

Exclusive Discounts Just for You

As a Share Partner, you’ll enjoy a range of discounts throughout the season. Whether you’re grabbing a bite at
the arena, stocking up on Jets merchandise, or purchasing additional tickets, you can take advantage of:

Food and Beverage Discounts:

Save on food and drinks while you cheer on the Jets.

Merchandise Discounts:

Get great deals on all your favorite Jets gear.

Discounts on Additional Tickets:

Need more seats for friends or family? You’ve got exclusive pricing!

Access to Special Events and Contests

Your Share Partner status also grants you access to exclusive contests and events throughout the season. From VIP experiences to member-only gatherings, there’s always something exciting happening for those who are part of the Jets community. Keep an eye on your Jets 360 account for the latest opportunities!

Your Dedicated Account Executive

We’re here to make sure your experience as a Share Partner is seamless and enjoyable. That’s why you have your very own Account Executive dedicated to helping you get the most out of your membership. Whether you have questions about your benefits or need assistance with tickets, your Account Rep is just a call or email away:

How Jets 360 Works

Jets 360 is your hub for all things Winnipeg Jets. It’s built right into the Winnipeg Jets app, so you’ll always have your perks at your fingertips. Here’s how to get started:

1. Log in to Jets 360: Open the Winnipeg Jets app and navigate to the Jets 360 section.
2. Link Your Ticketmaster Account: Ensure your Ticketmaster account is linked so you can fully unlock your benefits.
3. Start Enjoying Your Perks: Whether it’s scanning your Jets 360 QR code at the concession stand or using it for discounts at the Puck Store, your perks are just a tap away!

Need more help?

Start Exploring Your Benefits Now!

Now that you're officially part of the Share Partner community, it's time to explore everything Jets 360 has to offer. We’re excited to have you on board and can’t wait to see you at the games!