
After playing in his 1,000th NHL career game, Dustin Brown had time to reflect on what those 1,000 games meant to him in an article for The Players' Tribune.
From his rookie year to trade rumors, and winning the Stanley Cup (twice) to this season with new management, Brown discusses what it's like to be a hockey player in LA.
Which can be encompassed by what Wayne Gretzky told him the night Brown was drafted, "You're going to love L.A., it's a great hockey town - don't forget that."

For the player that has had over 1,000 NHL games with the LA Kings, Brown knows what it's like to be both winning and losing and has taken away plenty from the hard times.
"But losing is the best teacher - I really believe that."
Which is why this summer, after a rough season personally and collectively as a team, Brown went back to the basics.
"I went back to what I knew how to do: Work hard and get to the net." And, clearly, that hard work seems to be paying off.

Of course, the end goal each season is always to bring the Stanley Cup back home and Brown knows how much this team means to LA and it's fans.
"When I lifted the Cup, I just felt weightless. But I remember feeling proud more than anything else. Proud of our group, which had been together for so long, proud of our organization for building up to a run like this, and proud of the city for coming together like it did."
Read Brown's entire article in The Players' Tribune now.