Alex was never the type of kid to sit around - he wasn't a big television watcher and always preferred to be outside. Two of his most preferred hobbies were snowmobiling and snowboarding, and, according to Barb, if her son hadn't become a professional hockey player, he would have become a professional snowboarder.
"Even though the coaches didn't like them to, they would build these jumps and ramps and everything in our yard and they would pull each other on the snowmobile on their snowboards and go over all these crazy jumps," Barb recalls. "One time, I was getting up from sleeping in the afternoon and I hear them on the roof - they actually made a jump off the roof down into the snow. He's always pushing the limits and finding something dangerous to do and he makes me nervous."
Danger aside, Barb realized that Alex was the kind of kid that needed his creative freedom.
"When he was younger you could kind of control him a little bit and say, 'No, you shouldn't be doing that.' But then when he was in college, he'd send me videos of him down in Duluth jumping off of these rocks in a skinny creek, doing a back flip, and I'd be like, 'That does not look safe.' Then the first time we went there, he took us to this point and I was like, 'This is totally not safe, don't do that!' He's always been like that," says Barb with a chuckle.
Barb and Tom found themselves in an extremely fortunate predicament this season, as Alex was in his first pro year, and Juliana was in her senior season as captain of the Ohio State Women's Hockey Team.
"We are very proud of both of them, both making it to Division I Hockey, and she was the captain this year," Barb boasts. "It was a little challenging at times, trying to figure out which one to go visit to watch, but this year since it was her senior year, we tried to go to as many of her games as possible."
Alex and Juliana are very supportive of each other. They feed off each other, provide each other advice, and try to watch each other play as often as possible. Juliana was just in Los Angeles last week, visiting her big brother with her parents.
Having vacationed in California a couple times when the kids were younger, Barb knew she would love visiting Alex in LA. It was always her dream to live at the beach, and now she is living vicariously through her son. The Iafallos were present for opening night back in October as Alex made his NHL debut, and Barb drove up to San Jose for the game against the Sharks two nights later.