
Growing up in Minnesota as an avid hockey player with dreams of playing in the NHL, I vividly remember learning about the potential dangers of playing this great game.
I first learned of Travis Roy's injury and story in the eighth grade when I told my father if I were to make it to college hockey, Boston University would be one of my top choices. Not long after looking into the program's history, Travis Roy's story surfaced. As a 14-year-old, I had yet to endure any legitimate injuries, but I couldn't help realizing how precious life and the ability to play the game that I loved was after reading his story...

Two years later, on December 30, 2011 I found myself on the receiving end of an illegal check from behind during our high school's holiday tournament. That hit resulted in a broken C5 & C6 vertebrae, along with a completely severed spinal cord. I was paralyzed, just like Travis.
My personal relationship with Travis started in the dark days that followed after my injury. One shining light during that time was a phone call from Travis. The emotions that follow after a life changing injury range from "life is ruined" to "maybe I can beat this" ... and that is exactly what Travis's message to me was. As I laid in my hospital bed just days into my new life, Travis and I talked on the phone about the positive mindset needed to overcome paralysis. Neither of us could hold a phone, but that didn't keep him from changing my life that day.
His determination and positivity changed my outlook on life with paralysis. I wanted to be like Travis, I wanted to show the world that I too could make a positive impact for those living with paralysis. Like Travis, I created a foundation to help those living with a Spinal Cord Injury, the Jack Jablonski Foundation. Travis had always encouraged me to use my platform to help those with SCI's.
My last contact with Travis was just two months ago when we connected over a virtual meeting to team up our Foundation's to raise money for our common cause in defeating paralysis. After an hour and a half of successful business talk, Travis and I caught each other up on our lives, only for him to end our conversation with a "keep up the good work, Jack."
Travis, your impact on the Spinal Cord Injury community and hockey community are immeasurable. You taught me and many others living with paralysis how to overcome the lost functions and succeed in life. Your impact on this earth will last forever as you've touched so many lives.
You are already missed.
Rest In Peace, Travis Roy.
Your friend, Jack Jablonski
Jack Jablonski works as the Coordinator of Digital Contact for the LA Kings, a full-time position he has held since January. A graduate of USC with a major in Communications and proud native of Minnesota, Jack previously served as an Intern with the Kings.