
Tonight was about the fans and thanking them for their support all season, and the Kraken found the best way possible to do that: delivering a win. From the first moment of puck drop, Seattle skated to offensive control, holding the zone for just shy of half the game (27:03). The home team also built the offensive advantage in even-strength play, with goals coming from Yanni Gourde, Adam Larsson and Victor Rask. The team played a disciplined game, taking only two penalties - although they resulted in a two-man advantage for San Jose for 1:12 of game play - but the penalty-kill unit held strong, backed by Chris Driedger in net. Driedger was strong throughout all 60 minutes and delivered the fifth shutout of his career to seal the three-goal victory.

Let's look at the game "by the numbers."
Here's a look at our data-driven Instant Analysis from Sportlogiq (Click
for how to read this graphic):

SEA-SJS pgia