BOS@EDM: Jake DeBrusk chats with dad pregame

Boston Bruins forward Jake DeBrusk looked right at Sportsnet's reporter during a live interview and called him boring.
It's OK, the reporter was his dad.

Jake DeBrusk did a pregame interview in Edmonton with Sportsnet's Louie DeBrusk, a former NHL player who also happens to be Jake's father.
The two men couldn't keep from cracking a smile at each other.
To Louie's credit, the first question was a real one about Jake returning to play against the Oilers in his hometown. Jake immediately took the first shot, saying being home meant he gets "sick of listening to my dad's hunting stories," which cracked up his dad.
There was a quick spat about who had better hair and then Louie telling Jake to "get the feet going, I don't want to have to say bad things about you tonight."
DeBrusk's mom, Cindy, grandmother Cheryl and his sister Jordan were all in attendance, but it was pretty clear dad had the best seat in the house.