This kid had nothing but a sign and a dream. And now thanks to Bo Horvat, he'll be getting a new wiener dog.

One young fan showed up to the Vancouver Canucks game against the Arizona Coyotes at Rogers Arena on Wednesday with a sign that read "Bo my dad will buy me a wiener dog if u score." And here comes the best part: In tiny letters on the bottom, it said, "P.S. I will name him Hotdog Horvat."

Well, that was obviously too good to pass up, because Horvat scored his 12th goal of the season with a little more than six minutes left in the game.
"I noticed at the end of the first or second period," Horvat said. "I wasn't sure exactly what it said, something about a dog. I read it a little closer after, and hopefully he gets that wiener dog after that one."
We've seen something like this before with a young fan being promised a puppy last season if Ottawa Senators forward Bobby Ryan scored a goal,
which he did
But having a name already picked out took this request up a notch.
So, Hotdog Horvat it is (with the obligatory hashtag #HotdogHorvat). The world can't wait to meet the little pup.
"Hopefully he sends a tweet my way and I can get a hold of him and make sure he gets him that dog, because that doesn't happen very often when you make a sign like that and the player you want to score scores," Horvat said, "so I was happy to do that for the kid."