Van riemsdyk putt split

Wanna see a room full of pro hockey players go wild with applause? Just have someone make a 60-foot putt. It doesn't even have to be on a golf course.

Washington Capitals forward T.J. Oshie shared a video of his teammate, Trevor van Riemsdyk , doing exactly that. And the room erupted the way you might imagine it.

Oshie shared the video, shot from just behind Van Riemsdyk's attempt, and captioned it: "Do the @capitals have fun? @tvanriemsdyk6 with the 60 ft. putt through the middle of team dinner. #Rieeeeemeeeerrr"

The putt was a pretty impressive one. While the carpet was seemingly flat, one can never account for any small crumbs or pieces of assorted fuzz to assure a true roll.

And putting into a paper cup over a hole in the ground? Less than ideal conditions.

Pay no attention to the legs that hop right in front of the camera as the ball approaches, the team just got a little excited.