
The Vancouver Canucks upcoming season is a movie. And it has a trailer to prove it.

Actress Colbie Smulders, a Vancouver native who has starred as Agent Maria Hill in plenty of "Avengers" movies and TV shows, lent her super spy persona to the Canucks 2022-23 NHL season hype video.

The two-minute, 35 second "trailer" is titled "Canucks: Power Rising" and is shot in the theme of an action movie. It is also labeled as "Part One."
Smulders plays the agent in charge of the squad, briefs the team on an unknown mission and sends them off, where they just happen to pay homage to several Marvel movies mixed in with some "Mission: Impossible" and a even a little James Bond.
They flash quick to some cinematic action on the ice intercut with some pretty convincing action scenes with the players.
After seeing how cool as this Canucks trailer looks, we would like to pre-order our tickets for Part Two right now.