Each week, Discover will feature a different youth coach as part of its Exceptional Community Coaches series. In continued support of local hockey communities, Discover is making a $2,000 donation to each of the Learn to Play programs this season. This week, a look at Boston Bruins representative Mark Hickey of the Waltham Youth Hockey program.

Name of Coach:Mark Hickey
Name of LTP Program:Waltham Youth Hockey
About the coach: Hickey has been involved in Waltham Youth Hockey for 28 years. First as a coach, and then in different roles within the administration. This is his 12th season as President of WYH and he has overseen the sustained growth of our program. He has worked hard to maintain the community-based program in a fair manner ensuring that all children have the opportunity to play.
About the program:Waltham Youth Hockey has been proud to be part of the Bruins Learn to Play since 2015. It has hosted both coed and all girl programs in both the Spring and Fall. It has sold out every year and has been vital in growing our numbers
Donation meaning: Discover's donation means that the cost of hockey will not prohibit a player from continuing after the completion of Bruins Learn to Play. We will use the money for assistance with players who want to join the WYH program but are in need of financial assistance.