
A local artist paid tribute to longtime Edmonton Oilers locker room attendant Joey Moss with a vibrant mural.

Moss, who worked for the Oilers and the Edmonton Football Team of the Canadian Football League, died Monday. He was 57.
AJA Louden, who specializes in freehand spray-painted portraits around Edmonton, posted photos and videos of the Moss mural near Northlands Coliseum on social media.

"I painted this portrait of Joey Moss who recently passed away," he said on an Instagram post. "He was a locker room attendant for the Oilers and later for the football team too - he went 70 seasons strong between the two organizations. Known for his dedication, work ethic, and passion for the organizations he worked with, Joey was with both teams for so long, he outlasted the players and became a symbol of the teams and of the city of Edmonton. As a man living with Down syndrome he became a symbol of representation as well. Being a public symbol for any community can mean a lot of weight on your shoulders - Joey showed up and did the work. The camera team actually had it set up where every game they could consistently cut to a live shot of Joey singing the anthem because he was 100% on every time. May we all strive to be remembered as well as Joey Moss - thank you for the inspiration, Joey!"