
WASHINGTON, DC - Caterpillars, lip warmers, dusters, toothbrushes, soup-strainers, whiskers.
Sorry significant others, but get used to the 'stache.
For the next few weeks, at least.
The annual month of November has become dedicated to the Movember movement when individuals grow out their best moustaches to raise awareness for men's health issues.
Comb through the Oilers locker room and one will find a few skaters partaking in the perennial event, with unique configurations decorating their faces. Those who are participating include Zack Kassian, Tobias Rieder, Ty Rattie, Cam Talbot, Kyle Brodziak, Ryan Strome and Darnell Nurse.

OILERS TODAY | Balanced Approach
RAW | Brodziak
RAW | Rattie
RAW | Kassian
RAW | Talbot
BLOG: Players finding a balance
BLOG: Challenge accepted
BLOG: Talbot, Koskinen sharing crease
The reasons to participate are pretty straightforward but the designs some of the players have created makes for great bonding banter.
Like the old saying: the more, the hairier.
"A lot of guys are doing it together," said Brodziak with his traditional Painter's Brush. "We're definitely happy to be able to contribute for a good cause."
Kassian is no stranger to facial hair. He'll typically keep some stubble on his face during the year but in the 2016-17 postseason, the Oilers energizer donned mutton chops like a champ. For Movember 2018, Kassian decided to go with a dyed Chevron.
"Whenever you can do something to help a charity or help raise awareness, it's a no-brainer," he said. "But for me, it's always fun to show a little character. I used a little Just For Men on there - jet black - to make it stand out a little better but there are some good ones on the team."
Talbot didn't colour his hair blonde but is doing his best homage to Hulk Hogan with his handlebars - a strain not one player from the team is spontaneous enough to sport.

RAW | Zack Kassian 11.04.18

"He extended it a little further down than the regular moustache, which is very unique," analyzed Kassian.
"You need to really have the self-confidence to be rocking that thing for a month."
Others, such as Rattie and Rieder, went in on the occasion together. It was impulsive at the time but the players haven't thought of shaving it. And why would they when the team is having success?
"It's itchy, it's greasy but the team's winning. We'll see how it goes," Rattie and his muzzie motioned.
Some members of the Orange & Blue aren't as fortunate as others, unable to grow anything from the Pencil to the bushy Walrus. But give it some time and the whiskers will appear.
"There's probably some greasy ones that are going to come," laughed Brodziak.

RAW | Cam Talbot 11.04.18

Kassian may take the cake for best 'stache of Movember but the players know whose beard is best every other month of the season. Jujhar Khaira keeps a thick mane but hasn't trimmed it down.
"If he wants to join the party, he could end up taking it over," said Kassian. "I understand if people don't feel comfortable doing it but we're definitely pushing him to do it."
Stay tuned to the Oilers social media and Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation in the following weeks for ways to donate.