Matt caught wind of Margaret's surprise when he accidentally saw the email to Carolina on her phone, but he thought she was organizing a surprise for his birthday, Oct. 5. When that came and went, he figured she wasn't able to pull it off.
Margaret admitted she was jealous of the Hurricanes mascot by the end of the event.
"I hugged Stormy, and then I hugged him again, and I hugged him again," Matt said, "and Margaret said she was kind of jealous because I couldn't quite kiss her and hug her like I did to Stormy."
"Stormy got a bigger reaction than I did," Margaret said.
But the stunt had the desired effect.
"It actually relieved a lot of the tension for the rest of the day," Matt said. "It was loads of fun. I said [she earned] a lot of wife points."
Photo courtesy: Crystal Nowoc