stuart summer sizzle

The ice has melted and the NHL offseason is in full swing. caught up with some of the League's brightest stars in Nashville recently to get their answer to summer's most burning questions. So slap on that sunscreen and find out what your favorite player has on tap for this summer.

This week is Edmonton Oilers goalie Stuart Skinner.

Favorite summer vacation destination?

"Right now, it's Hawaii. I'm actually going to go and head up to Hawaii right after this [NHL Awards]. I went to Hawaii for my first time last year and I just thought it was paradise, so I want to try to go every year."

Favorite ice cream flavor?

"Cookies and cream."

What do you have on the grill?

"I'm definitely making some ribeye steaks, some asparagus and then in the kitchen I'll cook up some rice."

Beach or pool?

"Beach, for sure. Yeah, I love the ocean, again my favorite place is Hawaii."

Go-to summer anthem?

"I've been watching some TikTok lately and there's this new song. ... Right now, I'm listening to Makeba (by Jain)."