
While the NHL continues its break in play due to the ongoing developments resulting from the coronavirus, 'Players on Pause' catches up with different Coyotes players to see how they're spending their time.
Jason Demers has been a prominent fixture in the Coyotes' dressing room and on the team's blue-line for three seasons now, providing a mixture of lighthearted culture carrying and veteran leadership to a roster that has shown tremendous signs of growth throughout his tenure.
"[This is] certainly uncharted territory for everybody, but I think everyone is handling it really well and everybody is staying well informed," he said, summarizing the developments over the past month. "I think [Arizona] is one of the better places and safer places to be right now in the country, and I think people have done a great job of staying home and staying healthy."
Demers is living with his girlfriend Jillian and housemate Barrett Hayton during the NHL's pause.
"Right now, it's just kind of holding on hope that we could maybe start up the season again or have an altered playoff scenario, we're staying in shape and doing a lot of home workouts, but the priority is making sure this thing is beaten and that everyone's healthy and safe."

How have you been passing the time?
"I'm pretty ADD, so I've been trying to do as many things as possible. I've been reading a lot and trying to do a couple workouts each day, trying to learn a few new skills and going hiking when I can. I try to get on a lot of phone calls and talk to people, talk to family and make sure everybody's doing alright, just trying find ways to fill the day."
Any particular TV Shows or Movies you're binge watching?
"I've started watching "Veep", which I actually love. In terms of binge watching, we watched "Tiger King" like I think everyone else in the world - I thought it was okay for the first few episodes, and then it kind of droned on for a bit. I'm trying not to binge watch too much TV and trying to benefit from this time by reading a book or learning new things that I haven't done before, trying not to get stuck on my phone or television."
Any books you're reading?
"I've been trying to read a lot and inform myself on this situation, and also just kind of reading how it's affecting people worldwide and the economy. I got a book from our trainer called "Guns, Germs, and Steel", so I've been trying to dive into that, it's an interesting read -- I kind of like it and it's helped me pass the time."


As far as video games, have you been playing to stay entertained?
"I used to be huge into "FIFA" and stuff like that when I was younger, but now I have a Nintendo Switch, so I've been playing that here and there for 20-30 minutes. Again, I'm kind of taking this time to improve on things, focus on relationships and stuff like that. Video games and Netflix, that stuff isn't really going anywhere, there's always time for that. I've gotten into "Rocket League" a little bit, I mean I suck at all of the games, but it passes the time."
What's life been like at home with more time to spend with your family?
"My girlfriend Jillian, she's an actress and she was working in New York, but she luckily got out before they shut everything down out there and came to Arizona. It's been great, we've done a lot of our relationship long distance because she works, so this has kind of been selfishly nice, it's a little bit of a silver lining. Barrett Hayton is still living here with me, he's been here, so it's been good to have a workout partner, we try to keep each other in shape."
Have there been challenges to staying in shape? What have you been doing to stay conditioned?
"I think we've done a great job of staying in shape. We've kind of mixed everything up, we've thrown in a lot of hikes, my girlfriend has a lot of friends that do a lot of workout classes and everybody's got those workout challenges, so we've been doing those 30-minute workouts. [Strength & Conditioning Coach] J.P. Major and [Strength & Conditioning Coordinator] Curt Truhe have done a great job of sending us workouts, and if guys needed equipment, those two were able to drop off a dumbbell or a kettlebell, so we have some weights at the house as well - we've been dabbling with that and keeping it fresh and I think it's worked out really well."
Have you taken up any new cooking skills in the kitchen during this time? What have you focused on diet-wise?
"I love to cook and I think Barrett's learned, he's gotten a lot better in the kitchen than he was when we first started, he would only cook one thing - seared chicken, that was his number one, the seared chicken, it was pretty basic, but he's gotten good at making a lot of stuff, he's taken to cooking a lot and now he's started to mix it up and make different things, so I think it's good for him. I've had a good time pushing myself and testing new things, trying different kinds of things I normally wouldn't do. I used to make a lot of salmon, crusted salmon, I can make it in any way, but I started getting into short ribs in the oven lately, marinating them. The other day we did an Indian style of butternut squash with chicken, but with cauliflower instead, and some naan breads, we try to go a little more ethnic instead and mix it up. Barrett's pretty good at cooking his own thing and I cook my own thing, he's gotten a lot better and he's pretty good, too."
What steps have you been taking to keep you and your family safe? Any particular message you'd like to pass along to fans?
"We've been doing the social distancing and cleaning, making sure we're washing our hands and disinfecting. The government has given a ton of info to people, I think it's kind of tone deaf for people of our stature to go out and say 'stay home' and all that, I think everyone knows at this point to stay home, so I can only say to listen to what the government is telling us, the state of Arizona, follow those guidelines, and everybody should be okay if we do that. They've informed us, it's just on us to apply everything. Individually if everybody does their part, then collectively this will go away quicker than longer."


Lead Photo Credit: Len Redkoles - NHLI via Getty Images // Second Photo Credit: Jeff Vinnick - NHLI via Getty Images // Footer Photo Credit: Norm Hall - NHLI via Getty Images