
Inspired by the current fight for racial equality, New York Rangers goalie Alexandar Georgiev is using his new mask to contribute to some worthy causes.

Georgiev announced on Instagram Saturday that the mask he is wearing during the Stanley Cup Qualifiers, which features portraits of Martin Luther King Jr. and a quote from his "I Have a Dream" speech, will be up for bid on the NHL Auctions site.

In his Instagram post, Georgiev wrote about why he decided to commission the mask to benefit charitable causes:

"I want to share with you my latest mask that I will wear during the playoffs. Watching what happened to George Floyd and learning more about racial inequality and racism still being a huge issue today, I wanted to use my voice for good. This mask is a tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr., who strived for equal rights for all people. His speech "I have a dream" is so relevant today more than 50 years later. Everyone should be treated equal, no matter what color their skin is. That's the ideal we should strive for."

Artist Dave Gunnarsson painted Georgiev's mask, which has a portrait of the civil rights leader on each side with a quote from his famous speech:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."