Edm south fla facts

The Stanley Cup Final between the Edmonton Oilers and Florida Panthers is set to kick off on Saturday at Amerant Bank Arena (8 p.m. ET; ABC, ESPN+, SN, TVAS, CBC). With two very different cities hosting the series, we decided to round up fun facts about each location.

Edmonton and South Florida Fun Facts


South Florida

Fort Edmonton Park

Popular attraction

Fort Lauderdale Beach
70 F (21 C)

Average high temp in June

88 F (31 C)
Green Onion Cake

Popular food

Brett Kissel, Jordan Buhat, Nickelback

Famous fans

Ariana Grande, Josh Gad

Famous wild animal


Popular Attraction:

Fort Edmonton Park is a historic attraction where visitors can explore four different time periods (1846, 1885, 1905, 1920) in Edmonton’s history. The park contains original and rebuilt historical buildings and historical reenactors. Down in South Florida, Fort Lauderdale Beach features 24 miles of sand and blue water. A beachfront promenade features shops and restaurants. Visitors can do a range of activities which include jet skiing, fishing, roller blading and beach volleyball.

Popular Food:

Edmonton is known for their green onion cake, a pan-fried pancake or deep-fried doughnut like pastry. The origin of the dish can be traced back to a Chinese immigrant named Siu To who started serving them in his restaurant in 1978. They can be found at Edmonton festivals and restaurants across the city. A trip to Florida cannot be complete without a stop at a seafood restaurant by the beach. Fresh shrimp, clams, grouper, oysters, lobster and more seafood dishes can be found all along the South Beach coast.

Famous Fans:

Country singer Brett Kissel, "Grown-ish" actor Jordan Buhat and rock band Nickleback are all Alberta natives who root for the Oilers. Famous Panthers fans include actor Josh Gad, who is from nearby Hollywood, Florida, and singer Ariana Grande, who performed the National Anthem before a Panthers game at 8-years-old.