
Goalies around the world must be shuddering at the thought: Merriam-Webster has made five-hole an official word in the dictionary.

The hockey term was added to the dictionary along with more than 1,000 other words on Tuesday.
The noun, officially defined by Merriam-Webster as "the space between the legs of a goaltender," has been commonly used by hockey players, fans, broadcasters and everyone else involved with the game for a long time. The first four holes, of course, are high and low on a goalie's stick side and high and low on the goalie's glove side.
It will now live forever
in the dictionary with other hockey phrases
like deke, dangle and hat trick.
Binge-watch, photobomb, humblebrag and the political term FLOTUS (first lady of the United States) were also among the words added.