
The Vancouver Canucks had a living, breathing piece of their history in attendance at Rogers Arena on Saturday.

Ernie Dougherty, a member of the inaugural Canucks squad that played the 1945-46 season, was introduced to the crowd during a game against the Pittsburgh Penguins.
He is the last living player from that frst-ever Canucks team. The game Saturday was just 11 days after he celebrated his 97th birthday. The crowd in attendance gave him a loud ovation after he was announced.

A local kid from Vancouver's Eastside, Dougherty was a seldom-used forward on the inaugural Canucks. In a 2019 interview with the
Vancouver Sun
, he described himself as "strictly a utility player" for 1945-46.
Later, he played for a handful of teams in many parts of the United States and eventually landed with the Nottingham Panthers in England.
On Saturday, though, he was back home.