The NHL is celebrating women in hockey, and every week through November, NHL.com will highlight a woman from each of the 32 teams. Today, a look at Colorado Avalanche director, team services and immigration Erin DeGraff:

Name: Erin DeGraff
Job title:Director, team services and immigration
Education: B.S. Sports Entertainment and Event Management. Johnson & Wales University.
Years of hockey experience: 15 years.
Describe your job in 2-3 sentences: Handles immigration for the organization, which includes obtaining visas; coordinates the travel logistics for the team throughout the season. Assists and supports day-to-day hockey operations. Negotiates and manages relationships with vendors for event planning.
What was the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?
I wanted to be a veterinarian. I grew up with dogs and wanted to make sure that they were always well taken care of.
What was your first-ever job, and did it prepare you for the work you do today?
My mother worked at a travel agency when I was 12 years old. I taught myself the whole system and found passion for the hospitality management industry. The job showed me the excitement of event planning and having the control over decision making. This correlates to what I do for the Avalanche today, coordinating plans for development and training camp, organizing team events, and even setting up the after-party celebrations for the Stanley Cup.
What are your hobbies and why do you enjoy it/them?
I have a passion for traveling. I enjoy it because it relates both to my professional and personal life. I recently visited South Africa and my favorite part was being alongside the animals in their natural habitat and having the ability to fully disconnect form the outside world.
Are you a morning person or night owl?
Night owl
What's your favorite book?
"Live in Love" by Lauren Akins
What's your favorite movie or TV show?
"Father of the Bride," and "Friends"
What is your most-used emoji?
Sideways laughy emoji or the eye roll.
Do you have any hidden talents (if yes, what)?