Red Wings

The Detroit Red Wings were victorious against the Anaheim Ducks on Saturday, but one little Red Wings fan at Joe Louis Arena won the day.

The in-house camera found a young fan named Mason during the third period of Detroit's 6-4 win, and his adorable smiling face led the crowd to cheers. After the camera panned to other attention-seeking Red Wings fans, the crowd booed the decision to leave the child's face, and wildly approved when the camera cut back to him.

Brad Galli of Detroit-based WXYZ captured the exchange, which expanded from negative reactions to Red Wings fans to booing the Ducks bench when they appeared on the arena television opposite Mason. The fans just couldn't get enough of the young Red Wings rooter.
Mason was named the game's honorary first star, and the exchange has made him a star across the internet. With a face and personality like that, he may have a future in that whole being adorable thing.