With the weather hovering around zero degrees, there are lots of things to be done before the temperature plummets further and outdoor clean-up becomes more hazardous to your health.
Unhook and roll up the hose so it doesn't freeze during the winter. Maybe it was a last of the fall grass cutting and leaves to pick up. There's always outdoor furniture that can be covered or wrapped up and put away. If you were really on the ball, there was the opportunity to put up the Christmas lights before the roof becomes slippery when wet and frozen. It leaves standing on a ladder as your only option.
So little time and so much to do, but I certainly hope you spent your Sunday sitting on your couch or a chair at Commonwealth Stadium. It was a sight to see the setup for the Heritage Classic. Awesome. It was like the picture on the front of a postcard. Whether it was early in the day with the sun shining or after darkness had fallen, Commonwealth Stadium looked stunning.
It really was set up like a field of dreams for hockey – centered around the 55-yard line, with Edmonton calling the bench to the north theirs, and the one to the south set for Calgary. Boards rattling, pucks blasting, ice crackling as every skate cut through a rink made for a once-in-a-lifetime experience – or in this case twice in a lifetime.