Sidney Crosby's Little Penguins Learn to Play Hockey


Sidney Crosby's Little Penguins Learn to Play Hockey is an introductory program for children ages 5 to 9 to learn the fundamental skills of hockey in a fun and safe environment. The program consists of eight to ten sessions of on-ice instruction by certified coaches. Little Penguins participants will receive head-to-toe equipment, a monthly newsletter with exclusive content, discounts on Penguins tickets, exclusive program rewards at Penguins games, special event opportunities, as well as a welcome packet and gift. The Little Penguins program is presented by the NHL and NHLPA with the support of Crosby, DICK'S Sporting Goods and USA Hockey. The Learn to Play program began in Pittsburgh in 2008 and has since become a league-wide initiative for the NHL.

Registration Information

  • There are three sessions of the Little Penguins program offered annually: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Host locations vary each session. Registration for the next session will be announced as soon as it is confirmed.
  • Equipment sizes must be submitted during the registration process. Please utilize the Equipment Fit Guide to determine sizes PRIOR to registering. Equipment sizes cannot be changed once submitted.
  • Registration MUST be completed online through LeagueApps. Limited spots are available at each location.
  • Equipment pickup will take place on a specified date at a local DICK'S Sporting Goods location selected during registration. Please double check the selected location, as it cannot be changed. Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please check your SPAM or PROMOTIONS folder as this e-mail may not arrive straight to your inbox.

Dates (subject to change):

Spring: Registration opens on Friday, February 7th

Fall: Registration opens in early July/On-Ice Starts in September 2025

Winter: Registration opens in early November/On-Ice Starts in January 2026

For questions, please contact us.

Program Eligibility

Please note the following program eligibility requirements:

  • Participants must be between the ages of 5 and 9 years old.
  • Offered to new, first-time participants only. Participants must not have been previously registered with USA Hockey or participated in an ice hockey league/program.
  • It is strongly encouraged that participants complete a Learn to Skate class through their local ice rink prior to enrolling in Little Penguins.
    • Please note some host rinks have additional requirements, which are outlined on their registration page.
  • Children who previously participated in the Little Penguins program, are NOT eligible to participate again.

*If the host facility becomes aware that a registered child has previous hockey league/program experience, the child will be removed from the Little Penguins program with no refund.


Each participant receives the following equipment:

  • Helmet (with a cage)
  • Neck guard (added this season, due to new USA Hockey mandate)
  • Shoulder pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Hockey gloves
  • Hockey pants
  • Shin guards
  • Skates
  • Hockey Socks
  • Jersey
  • Stick
  • Equipment bag

The equipment we suggest you purchase is an athletic supporter (jock/jill), hockey stick tape and a mouth guard, from your local DICK'S Sporting Goods store.

About Little Penguins

What is the Little Penguins Learn to Play Program?

The Learn to Play initiative aims to be the gold standard for youth hockey programs with the goal of inspiring more families to join the hockey community. Learn to Play changes the way youth hockey is offered by providing an all-inclusive program for first-time participants:  head-to-toe equipment, eight (8) to ten (10) weeks of age appropriate on-ice instruction, and certified coaching in a fun and safe atmosphere.

How much does the Little Penguins Learn to Play Program cost?

The participation fee varies by facility, but ranges between $249 and $299, plus processing fees.

What are the eligibility requirements for the Little Penguins Learn to Play Program?

The Little Penguins Learn to Play program is offered to new, first-time participants (boys and girls), between the ages of five (5) and nine (9). First-time participants are those who have not been previously participated in a hockey league/program (house/rec league, learn to play, mini-mites, camps, etc.) or registered with USA Hockey. It is strongly recommended that participants complete a Learn to Skate session at their local ice rink prior to enrolling in Little Penguins.

*If the host facility becomes aware that a registered child has previous hockey league/program experience, the child will be removed from the Little Penguins program and the parent/guardian(s) will not be refunded.

Does my child need to know how to skate before they sign up for Little Penguins?

It is strongly recommended that children complete a "Learn to Skate" class through their local ice rink prior to enrolling in Little Penguins. In addition, most rinks have regular public ice skating sessions which are a great way to gain experience and confidence on the ice. For those looking to register for a "Learn to Skate" program, please contact your local ice rink.

Where will Little Penguins Learn to Play be offered?

The Little Penguins Learn to Play program is offered at over twenty local ice rinks throughout the Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia region. Although, not every ice rink hosts during each session (Fall, Winter and Spring). A list of locations hosting during the current/upcoming session, can be found after clicking the “Register Now!” button above, under the "Open Registrations" section. A list of all our host locations, can be found below “Open Registrations” in the "Rink and Address Locations" section.


I registered my child for the Little Penguins program, but my child is no longer able to participate. Can I cancel the registration?

We understand that things change and ask that you contact us as soon as possible with any refund requests. Please understand the Little Penguins Learn to Play program cannot offer refunds for participants that: do not meet the program eligibility requirements; register for multiple locations/sessions; or cancel after the registrant’s equipment is kitted and/or picked up. This policy is in place because once registration fees are collected, preparations for an individuals participation begin quickly by the Penguins as well as host sites to kit equipment, plan ice time/coaches and other fixed costs. All of which are expenses that cannot be recouped if a registrant cancels in the above instances. We care about your customer experience and will work to accommodate each request individually. Please email with any cancellation questions.

I want to register my child at our local rink, but the Little Penguins sessions are full. What do I do?

We have waitlists for all Little Penguins programs. If you are interested in a session that is full, please register for the waitlist. We will do our best to contact participants on the waitlist should a spot become available.

I have two children. Will they be in the same session?

If you successfully registered your children for the same session, then yes. All participants will be on the ice at the same time. Coaches may split the class into groups for drills throughout the program.

What is USA Hockey and why is my child registered with them?

USA Hockey is the national governing body of ice hockey in the United States ( USA Hockey provides a number of resources for the Learn to Play program, including; age-appropriate training modules and practice plans, coaching certification, background screening and insurance for all Learn to Play participants. Each Little Penguins participant receives a free USA Hockey player membership for the season in which they complete the program. Once processed, the membership confirmation email is sent directly to each participants' primary e-mail used during registration. This e-mail includes the participants USA Hockey confirmation number.

On-Ice Sessions

How early do we need to arrive for the first on-ice session?

It is strongly recommended that participants arrive 30-60 minutes early to the first on-ice session. Please arrive in enough time to ensure that your child is able to get checked in, dressed, and on the ice on time. Please be aware that it can take longer than expected to get your child dressed, especially before the first few sessions.

My child cannot make one of the classes. What should we do?

Please make sure to let your Coach know that you will not be attending a certain class.


What equipment is provided or required for the Little Penguins program?

Upon registration, each participant will receive head-to-toe equipment. The equipment provided includes: a helmet (with a cage), neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, hockey pants, shin guards, skates, jersey, hockey socks, a hockey stick and an equipment bag. We strongly encourage participants to purchase their own athletic supporter (jock/jill), hockey stick tape, and a mouth guard. All equipment is required to be worn during on-ice sessions. Participants keep the equipment upon graduating from the Little Penguins program.

Next Steps/Continue to Play

What is the next step after the Little Penguins Learn to Play program?

The Pittsburgh Penguins encourage all Little Penguins participants to continue playing hockey! Talk to your Coach or rink's Hockey Director for the best next step program.

Can I register my child for multiple Little Penguins sessions?

Unfortunately, no. The Little Penguins program is offered to only new, first-time participants. Sessions are not progressive and participants may only register for one session (Fall, Winter or Spring). Host facilities/organizations will provide participants with direction on transitional, next-step programming available.

Are there any fees associated with the Little Penguins Learn to Play Program?

The participation fee varies by facility, but ranges between $249 and $299, plus processing fees.