
Cindy Falls and Debbie Vallor have lived in Pittsburgh their entire lives, with a second home at PPG Paints Arena. The two can be seen at countless home games for the Penguins, and one night, Cindy donned a shirt given to her by Debbie that said, “Never underestimate an old woman who loves hockey.”

That quickly caught the eye of Erin Exley, Vice President of Ticket Marketing and Operations for the Penguins, who was looking for fans to fill the Gram Zam, a new fan initiative for this season.

“I knew Debbie and Cindy would be perfect,” Exley said. “They love hockey, they love Pittsburgh, and they love to have fun: the total Penguins package.”

For those who haven’t yet had the pleasure of witnessing the Gram Zam, it is a spectacle unlike any other. The ladies sit atop of the Sobe Fanboni while songs like the Village People’s iconic ‘YMCA’ blare through the speakers of PPG Paints Arena. Fans sing and dance along as the Grams lead the festivities from the ice.

The ladies have loved seeing the spectacle grow as the season progresses – with Cindy adding more glitz and glam to her wardrobe with beads, gold eyeshadow, and of course a Penguins jersey.

“I’m so excited to see kids get more and more involved,” Debbie said.

This family-friendly Penguins atmosphere has been a big reason for their fanhood. While they’ve created some amazing new memories from the Gram Zam, Debbie’s all-time favorite is when she took her young nephew to a Stanley Cup parade.

Now retired, Cindy and Debbie spent their careers as teachers in Pittsburgh, and could not express how much they loved seeing kids at the game enjoying the Penguins. Some of their favorite memories in their lives revolve around this organization and the five Stanley Cups they have been lucky enough to witness, and they want the next generation of Penguins fans to also have that.

Their favorite Penguin is naturally Sidney Crosby, but it’s not for his incredible on-ice play throughout his nearly two decades in Pittsburgh.

“I will die happy because I stood as close as I can get to Mr. and Mrs. Crosby and praised their son not as an athlete, but as a man,” Cindy said. “I appreciate his mentoring and his leadership, all those qualities he has and gives. I just absolutely, positively wanted them to know how Pittsburgh is proud of him.”

As the season continues, the ladies are recognized more and more by fans as they watch their beloved Penguins play – but “I don’t need that [recognition],” Cindy said. “It’s fun because it makes us realize that all ages are passionate about [the Penguins].”

Moving forward into a heavy March schedule, which features eight home games, Cindy and Debbie hope to see more fans get involved in the intermission party – saying they want to “get people off their butts” and have folks be loud and proud when they are at PPG Paints Arena.