Fishing With The Pros Auction
The Fishing with the Pros auction will open on Friday, August 16. Bid on the opportunity to fish with David Walker by texting PREDSFISH to 76278. Auction closes on Wednesday, August 28 at 6 p.m.
Detailed Schedule
Friday, Sept. 6
Bass Pro Shops at Opry Mills: 323 Opry Mills Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
Note: If you do not have a fishing license click here or download the TWRA app
Check-In: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (CT)
Captain's Meeting/Dinner: 5 p.m. (CT) - at least one member of your team must attend the captain's meeting. This year, the pre-tournament dinner is back! Join us to kick off this year's tournament.
Must bring proof of boater's insurance
Saturday, Sept. 7
Shutes Branch Ramp Recreation Area: 5203 Saundersville Rd, Old Hickory, TN 37138
Tournament staff will be on site no later than 5 a.m. for livewell checks. All boats must be in the water by 6:15 a.m., so please plan arrival accordingly.
Tournament: 6:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - All boats must launch from Shutes Branch Ramp on Old Hickory Lake and can lock up or down river. There is a five-fish limit that can be made up of Largemouth, Smallmouth or Kentucky Spotted Bass of legal length. Tournament Waters are all Waters of the Cumberland River.
Weigh-In: 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. - Directions from the lake to Bass Pro Shops for weigh-in will be available at check-in.
Prize Details
First Place: $3,000 Guaranteed for First Place; Prize money could increase based on amount of boats registered. Cash and prizes up to 25th place. Prizes will be given out at the conclusion of the weigh-in.
Nitro Tournament Rewards, Ranger Cup, Triton Boats Gold are all enrolled for the Nashville Predators Fishing Tournament.
Full Tournament Rules
Angler Code of Conduct:
Anglers participating in the Nashville Predators Bass Fishing Tournament Shall observe this code of conduct and the applicable rules for this event in which they are participating. Anglers shall at all times, conduct themselves in a manner becoming professional anglers that will not reflect unfavorably on the Nashville Predators Fishing Tournament or its sponsors.
To this end, anglers shall use their best efforts to demonstrate professionalism and integrity in support of the sport of fishing. Any angler who violates any provisions of the Angler Code of Conduct may be suspended from the completion and even permanently banned from all future events.
It shall be the sole responsibility of all entrants to comply with said rules and regulation. If you think you have violated a rule you must notify a tournament official BEFORE you weigh-in your fish. During the tournament the angler may not use a cell phone or radio for the purpose of locating or catching fish on tournament waters. Competitors are allowed to use smart phone or weather radios to check weather conditions and approaching weather. A designated tournament official must be granted access to the competitorās boat at any time during the event. Failure to grant such access may result in immediate disqualification.
Each competitor agrees to report to the tournament directors immediately any violations or infractions of any tournament rules. Failure to report violations or suggestion to another competitor that they violated these rules may result in disqualification.
Safe boat conduct must be observed at all times by competitors. Each boat passenger must wear a Coast Guard approved chest-type preserver anytime the combustion engine is in gear. This preserver must be strapped, snapped or zippered securely and maintained in that condition until the combustion engine is out of gear or shut off. Violation of this rule may result is disqualification.
All competitors are bound by prevailing statues and regulations of the various states within which they fish. Competitors are responsible for research of fishing and boating regulations.
This is a āfish with your Buddyā tournament. ONLY Two anglers per boat. Angling and non-angling guest are not permitted. Exceptions are Tournament committee approved TV, Radio, and Print media crews.
Horsepower Regulations:
Horsepower cannot exceed the limitations set by the U.S. Coast Guard. When required each boat must have a U.S. Coast Guard horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. The Horsepower of the outboard engine must NOT exceed the rating specified on this plate. Posted speed limits and those imposed by the Nashville Predators Fishing Tournament directors must be observed and all boats must be operated in a safe manner. Violations of speed limits shall result in disqualification.
Boat, Equipment, and Motor:
During the competition, every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment as well as a functional bilge pump. During official competition every boat must have LIVE WELL SPACE, PROPERLY AERATED, TO ADEQUATELY MAINTAIN ALIVE A LIMIT CATCH OF BASS. Tournament officials shall have sole responsibility for determining whether aeration and capacity is proper and adequate. ALL BOATS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH AN APPROVED TYPE OF OPERABLE IGNITION KILL SWITCH AND LANYARD. Lanyard must be attached to the driverās body any time the combustion engine is operating and in gear. Any time the combustion engine is operating and in gear there must be a driver in the driverās seat in full control of the boat. Fishing boats 16 feet or more in length may be used. Any raised platforms or decks cannot be higher than the gunnels of the boat. Standing on the outboard engine or seats while fishing in not allowed. An electric trolling motor may be used for slow maneuvering. However, trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited. The trolling or long line technique is only allowed with the trolling motor. No exceptions. All bladder tanks and any other type of auxiliary gas tank that is not installed by the boat manufacturerās dealer are prohibited. Boats that do not have a factory-installed gas tanks are restricted to a maximum of 18 gallons of gasoline in the tanks that meet U.S. Coast Guard regulations. Gas tanks must be properly secured or strapped to the boat.
Boat Identification, Check In:
Prior to the start of the tournament each boat MUST be given an inspection check by tournament officials. Each boat is given a number which must remain with the boat. This number must be displayed upon the request of tournament officials and at all check points
Permitted Fishing Locations:
Tournament waters shall be established by the Tournament Directors for the tournament. Any waters within these boundaries posted āOff-Limitsā or āNO Fishingā by State or Federal agencies will be OFF-LIMITS. Only that water open to all public fishing will be considered tournament waters. Waters deemed off
limits by authorities or tournament officials should be treated like a wall. No boats or casting behind that boundary while fishing. All angling must be done from the boat. Prior to the tournament registration, any questionable area must be brought to the attention of tournament officials to be considered tournament waters and may be announced in the briefing for all to hear unless determined otherwise by tournament officials. Tournament officials reserve the right to restrict or enhance tournament waters based on conservations with local authorities.
Competitors Must Remain In Boat:
During the competition competitors must not depart the boat to land fish or make boat more accessible to fishing waters. Boats must remain in tournament waters during tournament. Competitors must leave and return to official check point. Competitors must remain in the boat at all times except for dire emergencies. Competitors are allowed to leave the boat to seek safe shelter in bad weather where danger is imminent, to obtain gas, ice for live wells or to use the restroom.
Competitors in the Nashville Predators Fishing Tournament are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation. Any infractions of these fundamental sporting principles may be deemed cause for disqualification.
Use of alcohol or drugs (other than those purchased over-the-counter or prescribed by a licensed physician) by any competitor during the tournament will not be tolerated and shall be cause for automatic disqualification from this and all future events.
Maximum courtesy must be practiced at all times, especially with regards to boating and angling in the vicinity of non-competitors who may be on tournament waters. Any act of a competitor which reflects unfavorably upon efforts to promote fisheries conservation, clean water, and courtesy, may be reason for disqualification.
ANY disqualification, suspension from, or other disciplinary action regarding any tournament or fishing organization shall be grounds for rejecting any applications for participation in the Nashville Predators Fishing Tournament and/or disqualification from the Nashville Predators Fishing Tournament after the circumstances are reviewed by the tournament directors.
Official Check Points:
There shall be only one official check point for check-out in the morning, and one check-in point in the afternoon, which points shall be designated at the tournament briefing. Failure to check in the morning or in the afternoon may result in disqualification. At check-in boats shall identify themselves by means of the boat number assigned to that boat and proceed immediately to the designated weigh-in area at Bass Pro Shops.
Tournament standings and final winners shall be determined by the pound-and-ounce weight of each competitors catch for the day. Only Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted bass will be weighed. The Limit shall be % of the above species. At no time shall a competitor have in his or her possession more than the tournament limit. If the competitor determines he or she has more than the limit he must immediately reduce his catch to the tournament limit with the live fish of his choice. Each returned dead bass will result in a 2 pound penalty to be deducted from his daily score. The competitor must try to contact a tournament official. If unsuccessful he must let the officials know at weigh-in. CULLING OF DEAD FISH IS PROHIBITED. There will be a dead fish penalty of .5 pounds for each dead fish. The penalty comes off the big bass weigh. All fish will be checked on a Bass Pro Shop āGolden Ruleā bump board. The decision of the weigh master on fish length is final. All fish will have to follow the State of Tennesseeās regulation on fish length. For a tie, that place and one place lower will be combined and split equally for monetary prizes.
Late Penalty:
There will be a late penalty of .25 pounds per minute late to check-in. Competitors will be disqualified after 15 minutes. Exact starting and check-in times will be announced at the Tournament briefing.
Mandatory Pre-Tournament Meeting:
Check-In for the Tournament will be on Friday, September 7 between 4pm and 5pm at Bass Pro Shops 323 Opry Mills Drive Nashville, TN 37214. There will also be a Captainās Meeting at 5 p.m. on Friday, September 7 at Bass Pro Shops. The rules will be covered at the Captainās Meeting. AT LEAST ONE ANGLER FROM YOUR TEAM MUST ATTEND CHECK-IN AND THE CAPTAINāS MEETING.
Rules Violations and Appeals Committee:
An Appeals committee will be established by the Nashville Predators Fishing Tournament committee. The committee will consist of members from the tournament committee and sponsors. Their decisions are FINAL. All protest must be in writing and submitted to tournament officials no later than 30 minutes after the scales close.
A printable version of the Full Tournament Rules is available here.
Full Results from Past Tournaments