Alex Martinez

Radio Play-by-Play

Alex Martinez is the current Spanish play-by-play radio announcer for the Nashville Predators on El Jefe Radio. Martinez was born and raised in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where he was inspired by his father’s work in the radio industry. Martinez graduated from the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) in 1993 with a degree in Journalism, which he used to jumpstart his career on the Honduran radio station, Stereo Mil.

In 2000, Martinez moved to Nashville, Tennessee and began Spanish radio sports programs on Latina 900AM and La Sabrosita 810AM. He went on to start the program, Deportivo al Aire, the first Spanish-language radio sports show in the city.

Martinez joined El Jefe in 2017, where he covered the budding new Nashville SC professional soccer franchise, continuing coverage of the team as it moved to the MLS in 2020. Starting in 2022, Martinez began covering Nashville Predators games, serving as the Spanish play-by-play voice that continues to bring the story of the Smashville and the NHL to the local community.

Nayele Alamilla

Radio Play-by-Play

Nayele Alamilla is a Smashville native with a passion for radio and sports! She earned her Bachelor’s degree at MTSU in 2016, majoring in Multimedia Journalism. By turning her curiosity into captivating stories, playing listeners’ favorite songs on the radio, being a morning show co-host, and pursuing her love for sports, she has carved a path as the first Latina woman to do sports broadcasting on Spanish radio in Nashville. With 9 years of experience in radio sports broadcasting, from soccer to hockey, Nayele continues to follow her passion for sports one broadcast at a time.

Jordi Sánchez

Radio Anaylst

Born on May 1st, 1978, in the city of Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, Jorge "Jordi" Sánchez showed an interest in sports from a young age, not only participating in them but also from a journalism perspective, as he used to write his own articles at home with a typewriter and clippings from sports publications.

Nacido el 1° de mayo de 1978 en la ciudad de Celaya, Guanajuato, México, Jorge "Jordi" Sánchez mostró interés en los deportes desde pequeño, no sólo practicándolos sino también desde la perspectiva del periodismo ya que solía hacer sus propios artículos en casa, con una máquina de escribir y recortes de publicaciones deportivas.

During his adolescence and early adulthood, he was also very drawn to the arts, such as writing and music, which led him to venture into the local music scene with different music bands. This also allowed him to get involved in the radio as a host of a weekly program called "Proyecto Indie," which showcased local musical proposals.

Currently, he is the communications specialist for a plastic injection company. He has participated in some local radio and television programs on sports topics, and since 2019, realizing the lack of Spanish-language content about NHL hockey, a sport he has followed and been passionate about for over 30 years, he decided to launch his own content channel on YouTube called "Hockey en Español" to promote this sport among Spanish-speaking audiences. This hockey channel has become the most prolific in the Spanish language during its existence, with nearly 200 videos available to date.

It was like this that Alexis Martínez and El Jefe reached out to him to extend an invitation to participate as an analyst in the Nashville Predators radio broadcasts for the Spanish-speaking audience, which he gladly accepted. This marked the most significant milestone for him as a professional. A couple of years later, the broadcast team of El Jefe Deportes, covering the Predators hockey games, has grown in experience and involvement with the team and its impact on its fans, aiming to deliver a professional, high-quality product filled with passion—the same passion that characterizes Latino spirit now fused with the ice of the Bridgestone Arena and the sound of blades, sticks, pucks, and the roar of SMASHVILLE supporting their Predators!


En la etapa de la adolescencia y temprana adultez también se sintió muy atraído por las artes como la escritura y la música, lo que lo llevó a incursionar en la escena musical local con diversas bandas y también por este motivo tener contacto con la radio como locutor a través de un programa semanal llamado "Proyecto Indie", en el que se daba exposición a las propuestas musicales locales.

Actualmente es el especialista en comunicación de una empresa de inyección plástica, ha participado en algunos programas de radio y televisión locales en temas deportivos y, desde 2019, al darse cuenta de la poca cantidad de contenido que se podía encontrar sobre hockey de la NHL que fuera en español, y siendo este un deporte que ha seguido y le ha apasionado desde hace más de 30 años, decidió abrir su propio canal de contenido en YouTube llamado "Hockey en Español", para dar difusión a este deporte entre el público de habla hispana. Este canal ha sido el más prolífico en nuestro idioma en cuanto a contenido durante su tiempo de existencia teniendo cerca de 200 videos disponibles a la fecha.

Fue así que Alexis Martínez y El Jefe se pusieron en contacto con él para extenderle una invitación para participar como analista en las transmisiones de los Nashville PREDATORS para el público hispanoparlante, la cual fue gustosamente aceptada, en lo que es el hito más importante para él como profesional, y un par de años después, el equipo de transmisión de El Jefe Deportes llevando el hockey de los PREDATORS ha ido creciendo en experiencia e involucramiento con el equipo y lo que genera en sus seguidores, para darle al público un producto profesional, de calidad y lleno de pasión, esa pasión que caracteriza la sangre latina ahora fusionada con el hielo del Bridgestone Arena y el sonido de las navajas de los patines, de los STICKS, los PUCKS y el alarido de SMASHVILLE apoyando a sus Predators.